Le filastrocche di Natale in inglese per bambini sono davvero tante! I piccoli amano particolarmente recitare poesie in rima e componimenti in versi, anche da canticchiare. I questo modo, infatti, imparano divertendosi, senza troppi sforzi. Se possibile, poi, l’inglese andrebbe insegnato sin da molto piccoli, quando i bambini hanno più facilità nell’apprendere nuovi termini. Cosa aspettate, quindi? Cercate tra le poesie e le filastrocche più belle e recitatele insieme ai bambini! Scegliete le più semplici per la scuola primaria e dell’infanzia e quelle più lunghe e complicate per i bimbi più grandi!
With This Candle
Where there is light,
there is hope.
Where there is friendship –
peace and truth.
Christmas is a time
for celebrating the special people
in our lives.
When I cannot find my way,
I light a flame.
And at Christmas . . .
I think of you.
The Day Before Christmas
We have been helping with the cake,
And licking out the pan,
And wrapping up our packages,
As neatly as we can.
We have hung our stockings up,
Beside the open grate.
And now there’s nothing more to do,
A little child,
A shining star.
A stable rude,
The door ajar.
Yet in that place,
So crude, folorn,
The Hope of all,
The world was born.
The First Gift of Christmas
The first Christmas gift ever given
Wasn’t bought in a mart or a shop,
And it wasn’t encased in gay wrappings
With a bright ribbon bow on the top.
The first Gift of Christmas was given
In a manger lowly and bare,
And a blanket was the lone wrapping
Of this gift so priceless and fair.
God gave the First Gift of Christmas,
A most Holy and Wonderful One,
When He looked down in mercy
And gave us the Gift of His Son!
I’m a little Snowman
I’m a little snowman short and fat,
Here is my scarf and here is my hat.
When I see the snowfall,
Hear me shout
“All you children please come out!”
Christ is Born
Angels clap hands; let men borbear to mourn;
Their saving health is come; for Christ is born.
Hark, what a heavenly choir of angels sing
Sweet carols at the birth of this new king.
A song was heard at Christmas
A song was heard at Christmas
To wake the midnight sky:
A saviour’s birth, and peace on earth,
And praise to God on high.
The angels sang at Christmas
With all the hosts above,
And still we sing the newborn King
His glory and his love.
A Christmas Tree
One little star on the top of the tree,
Two little presents underneath for me,
Three silver ropes twisted around the tree,
Four colored lights shining prettily,
Five shining balls flowing silvery.
Oh, what a sight for use to see!
Christmas is forever
Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel,
in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others
is good you do yourself.
Christmas Lights
Bright Christmas stars shine on high,
Golden stars in the wint’ry sky;
Christmas candles in windows bright
Send s greeting into the night;
While in our hearts the Christmas flame,
Glows with a love like his who came,
The infant Christ of lowly birth,
To bring good will and peace to earth.
Christmas is for Children
Christmas is for children –
at least that’s what they say,
It’s time of wide-eyed wonder,
a magic holiday
When candy canes and gingerbread
fill tummies with delight
And little sleepyheads try hard
to stay up through the night.
Yes, Christmas is for children-
anyone will tell you so.
The twinkling, colored lights on trees
make youngsters’ eyes just glow!
Each package and each stocking
is approached with childish joy
And toys bring squeals of laughter
from each eager girl and boy.
Yes, Christmas is for children –
all they say is true.
How wonderful that at Christmas time –
grownups are children, too!
Proponete ai bambini anche i lavoretti di Natale oppure i giochi da fare durante queste feste!